Our main goal is to make the used car market as safe as possible for buyers, dealers and partners.
Cars from any part of the world are no problem for Car Hunter!
The database provides information about vehicles registered in over 100 countries around the world.
Even if records are missing, you'll receive comprehensive statistical information and recommendations for that vehicle.
Database uniqueness is our key advantage!
What makes our database unique?
It's filled with various sources of information that, when combined, create unparalleled
detail and accuracy about each vehicle.
Our team of experts has extensive
experience and conducts thorough source research to ensure high-quality information
for our users.
About Us
Uniqueness of Reports
Summary information from Markets, Auctions, Registration services in one place
Data Reliability
We guarantee that the information forming the report comes only from credible sources
Time and Money Saving
No need to analyze tons of information from different sources, we'll do it for you
Buyer Protection
If you have any questions about using the service, we are always ready to help you
Planning to buy a car, but uncertain about its
Car Hunter - a service that solves your problem!
Checking a car by VIN code will allow you to get complete information about the vehicle, uncover hidden issues, protect yourself from fraud, and get the recommended price for your region.
Dealers can't manipulate figures anymore; you're in full control!
Convenience with Us
Affiliate Program
Earning has become even easier!
Our service will assist you in earning commissions and bonuses for selling reports on your resource.
You control every step, and clear statistics are your advantage in managing the process.
Concise and Full Reports
Presented as graphs and tables with user-friendly navigation. A large amount of data has become clear and visual. Markets, Auctions, and Registration platforms - all in one place.
Personal Report Cabinet
Ваши отчеты в надежных руках.Все купленные отчеты теперь хранятся в одном месте. Вы можете их упорядочить, сортировать, выбирать Избранные, а не актуальные помещать в Архив
Now you can leave notes on the site, no need for third-party apps anymore. Jot down the most important things inside each report